The Breed Read online
Page 4
I held up a hand to stop him. “I’m not so sure I’m ready to have all those things either. Especially not with you. Like I said, I still…still think of you as a brother.”
“That’s understandable,” he said, nodding. “But I’m afraid you’re going to have to get over that—at least a little.” He arched an eyebrow at me. “Unless you want to let that boring fiancé of yours, Richlow, suck the nectar from your breasts?”
I shivered involuntarily. I never had any physical desire for Richlow Farnsworth even at the best of times. But now the idea of letting him touch me, especially intimately, seemed especially repugnant.
Lukas nodded. “I didn’t think so. Your body is attuned to mine now, Lexie. The same way mine is attuned to yours. You’re going to need me in the next few days and not just to relieve the pressure in your breasts.”
His words and the hot way he was looking at me scared me half to death. “What are you talking about?” I demanded, pushing away from him. “What exactly are you expecting us to do?”
“What do you think?” he said, his voice a soft growl. “You’re in heat, Lexie. What usually happens when a female goes into heat? She has to be bred. Fucked.”
“No!” I was up on my feet before he could stop me. “I won’t,” I said, my voice trembling. “I know I let you suck me—suck my nipples—but I won’t go that far. I can’t.”
“You can and you will,” he said quietly. “Or the pain—the need—will only get worse. The nectar flowing from your nipples—that’s only the first part, Lexie. The tip of the iceberg. Things are going to get worse—much worse—before they get better.”
“I don’t accept that,” I said, raising my chin. “And I don’t care what you say we are—I’m not going to let any of this Breeder crap scare me into sleeping with my own brother.”
“So we’re back to that, are we?” He laughed softly but not very happily. “You’re afraid to let me fuck you because we grew up in the same house? Because we have the same last name?”
“I don’t want to let you…do that because you’re my brother,” I insisted. “I can’t, Lukas, try to understand.”
Sighing, he rose. “All right, have it your way. But don’t blame me if the pain gets worse—so bad you can hardly stand it.”
It was already pretty bad. I could feel the fullness in my breasts, the aching in my nipples just as though Lukas had never sucked them just an hour before. But I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of knowing that.
“I’ll be fine,” I said, lifting my chin. “And now I think you’d better leave.”
“Are you sure?” He took a step toward me and cupped my cheek in his hand. “Let me stay with you tonight, Lexie,” he said softly. “Just let me ease your pain. I’ll hold you all night and suck you whenever your breasts get too full. We don’t have to do anything else if you don’t want to.”
For a moment I wavered. The look in his eyes was meltingly sincere and part of me knew that he really did care that I was hurting. But I was afraid—scared to death—that we would go further. That I would let him do more than ease my pain. It was dangerous to let him stay—far too dangerous to even consider.
“No,” I said, trying to sound firm. “No, Lukas. I’m sorry but I think you should go.”
He sighed. “All right. I’ll come back later to check on you.”
“Don’t,” I said. “I don’t want you to.”
“You think that now,” he said darkly. “But just wait until your heat really begins. Then you may reconsider letting your brother fuck you.”
His words left me speechless and I watched silently as he walked out the door. But I couldn’t help wondering, as I watched him go, if he was telling the truth.
And if so, what in the world was I going to do about it?
* * * * *
After Lukas left I took a long, hot shower and washed away as much of him as I could. But try as I might, I couldn’t wash away the memory of what we’d done. The sensation of his mouth on my nipples was indelibly etched on my memory. God, what was wrong with me? Why had I allowed him to do that? To go so far?
His words echoed in my head, You need me. Your body needs mine… Could that actually be true? Was that why I was having so much trouble saying no to things that were clearly wrong? I had to know.
Getting out of the shower I toweled off and went to look up some information on the Internet. But Breeders really weren’t big news any more. All I got was either wild tabloid speculation or academic articles so thick with intellectual double talk I couldn’t make heads or tails of them. Finally I gave up and called Sylvia.
“Lexie.” Clearly she was surprised to hear from me. We weren’t the kind of friends who called each other just to chat. If one of us picked up the phone, something was wrong. “Are you all right?” she asked, sounding concerned.
“No,” I said. “But it’s nothing I can tell you about—not now, anyway. I have a favor to ask you though.”
“Name it,” she said at once. “Anything I can do.”
I couldn’t help smiling at her response. Now that’s true friendship.
“It’s going to sound weird,” I said. “But I need to know everything I can about Breeders—especially their mating habits and reproductive cycle. Can you help me out?”
“Well, Xenobiology isn’t really my field,” she said slowly. “But I do have a colleague who did his thesis on Breeder physiology. Do you want me to get it and send you a copy?”
“Honestly, I just really can’t…concentrate right now.” I took a deep breath. “I know you’re busy but if you could maybe skim it and give me the quick version I’d be forever grateful.”
“All right, certainly.” She still sounded concerned. “Lexie, does this have anything to do with your…other problem?”
I had so many problems at the moment that it actually took me a minute to figure out what she meant. Then it clicked. “Oh, you mean the, uh, leakage. Yes and no,” I said. “I wish I could tell you more but…” But I just couldn’t bear to tell my best friend exactly how far I’d gone with my own brother. Sylvia was cool and logical but I could imagine the look of disgust in her eyes if I let her know what Lukas and I had been doing for most of the afternoon.
“I understand,” Sylvia said when I found myself incapable of finishing the sentence. “And it’s all right, Lexie. I’ll try to get the information you need and call you back. But we’re in the middle of finals right now so it might take a little while—is that all right?”
I wanted the information yesterday but I knew I couldn’t ask her to drop her entire life just to do some research for me. “Of course,” I made myself say. “Just whenever you have the time.”
“I’ll get to it as soon as I possibly can,” Sylvia promised and I knew that she meant it.
“Thanks, Sylvia.” I tried to hold back a sigh. “Well, I’ll see you later.”
“Will you be able to make it at our regular time next week?” she asked. “I’m sure I can have the information you’re looking for then.”
“Of course,” I said automatically. “I’ll be there, no problem.”
“Good.” She seemed about to say something else but then she just said goodbye and hung up.
I sat there staring at the phone blankly, wondering if I could make it through the next few days. If I could wait to see exactly what was going on with me before my body betrayed me again.
Chapter Five
The pain was so bad the next day I couldn’t concentrate on anything. We had a multi-million deal on the table and all I could think about was my aching breasts. Worse, my pussy had now joined the rising chorus. Before it had been sensitive in the extreme but now that sensitivity verged on pain. I felt swollen and hot to the touch—it hurt to cross my legs. And I was starting to produce nectar there as well. Three times I had to run to the executive washroom to be certain I wasn’t leaking down the inside of my leg.
Finally, I gave up.
Though I was known for keeping an iron gri
p on the company reigns, just as Dad had before me, I decided to leave the lucrative deal to our acting CEO and go home to the penthouse. I didn’t know what I could do once I got there but I had a vague notion that maybe a warm bath would help. At any rate, I just wanted to be somewhere I could get naked. Though my bra and panties were made of the softest real silk, they felt as coarse as burlap scratching over my sensitive nipples and pussy. I wanted to get the irritating underwear off and just feel free.
I heard the staff talking behind my back as I left the office but I didn’t even care. By the time I got home to the penthouse, there were tears in my eyes and my hands were shaking so badly I could barely key in the security sequence. Oh God, it hurts! It hurts! I was certain that wherever Lukas was right now, he was having a good laugh at my expense.
But when I looked up and saw him sitting on the loveseat, waiting for me, he wasn’t laughing at all.
“Lukas,” I said faintly, trying to blink away the tears that threatened to spill over my lids and betray me. “What are you doing here? How did you get the code?”
“I’ve always known it,” he murmured. “It’s just your birthday backwards—you really should change it, you know. And as for what I’m doing here—I’m waiting for you.”
“You came to gloat?” I walked over to him stiffly because my panties still felt like a medieval torture device.
“I came to help,” he said softly. “If you’ll let me.”
“I don’t think…” I began but then the pain got to be too much for me. “God,” I whispered brokenly, tears spilling from my eyes. “It hurts, Lukas. It’s ten times worse than it was yesterday. Why is that?”
“You’re heat’s escalating,” he said grimly. “Here, let me.” I had been fumbling with the buttons on my blouse but he pushed my hands away gently but firmly and unbuttoned them himself. “It’s all right,” he whispered when I hissed with pain as he pealed back my bra, exposing my burgundy nipples, sticky with my nectar. “Everything’s going to be okay in a minute, sweetheart.”
“Are you sure?” I said, my voice shaky with pain. “They feel so tight. So swollen.”
“That’s just because you need to be sucked.” Cupping my cheek, he wiped my tears away with his thumb. “Come here,” he murmured and drew me down on his lap.
I was in so much pain I was certain the touch of his mouth on my nipples would be agony but in fact, it was the exact opposite. The minute he drew my first tight bud carefully between his lips, it was as though some kind person had spread a soothing salve on a part of me that was on fire. I sighed in relief as he drew rhythmically at my breast, taking as much as he could, releasing the pressure that had been building up all day.
Of course, with the cessation of pain, came the inevitable pleasure. I felt my swollen pussy getting even hotter and wetter than it already was. The urge came over me to put my hand down the front of my skirt and touch it. To spread my pussy lips wide, baring my sensitive inner folds and stroke my throbbing clit. I had never done it before but I had a feeling that even the lightest touch would do…something. What I wasn’t sure. Maybe make me come? It was hard to say since I’d never had an orgasm before. But this feeling of anticipation building in the pit of my stomach and the spot between my legs seemed like the precursor to something big—something huge. If I could just touch myself, just a little…
I can’t, I thought, my heart pounding. Can’t be so low class…so vulgar. Those were the words my mother had used to describe “self gratification” as she put it during the one stilted sex talk she’d given me after I started my period. Proper behavior had been impressed on me at an early age. “Good breeding always shows,” she liked to say and touching myself was most definitely not good breeding. But at the same time I was feeling like I might explode if I didn’t get some relief. If only Lukas would finish so I could go in the bathroom and take care of this problem…
“You all right?” Lukas arched an eyebrow at me and I realized with relief that he had stopped and my breasts didn’t hurt any more.
“Much better, thanks,” I said softly. “You’re really, uh, good at that. It didn’t hurt a bit.”
“I was made to do it,” he said simply. “No, really, Lexie,” he continued when I rolled my eyes. “Our bodies were made to fit together exactly. My mouth is specially shaped to fit your nipples…and other places.”
“What…what are you talking about?” I started to cross my legs nervously and then let out a yelp as the motion sent a sharp pain through my swollen pussy.
“I’ll tell you,” Lukas said. “There’s a lot you don’t know about our physiology and birth culture. But before we talk any more, I want you to put on these.” He picked up a stack of what looked like folded leather cloths and handed them to me.
I looked at them blankly. They were pure black with some kind of gold design stitched into the leather. “What are these?”
“The traditional garments worn by a woman or girl in heat on Breedlow,” he said. “Go on, put them on.”
“I don’t think so.” The clothing felt incredibly soft and supple under my fingertips but if I couldn’t even stand to have silk against my tender flesh, I couldn’t imagine how I would deal with leather. “I don’t think it’s necessary to play dress-up in order to learn about my ‘native culture,’” I told Lukas. “You can just tell me about it if you really want me to know so badly.”
He sighed. “Why does everything have to be a fight with you, Lexie? This outfit is specifically made to help you get through your heat with the minimum of pain and discomfort. Now will you just put it on?”
“These are going to ease my pain?” I looked at the small stack of leather clothes in my lap suspiciously. “Seriously?”
“Seriously,” he said firmly. “Now will you wear them or not?”
“I’ll give them a try,” I said grudgingly. “But I’d better see some results pretty quick—I don’t like wearing anyone else’s clothes.”
“These aren’t anyone else’s.” Lukas said softly. “I had them made just for you—tailored to your exact measurements. They should fit like a glove.”
“Oh, all right,” I sighed, standing up and hobbling toward the bathroom. “I’ll give them a try.”
To my surprise, Lukas came with me.
“What are you doing?” I snapped. “I’m sure I can manage myself.”
“They’re complicated,” he said firmly, shutting himself into the bathroom with me. “Just let me help you get into them the first time and you can do it yourself the next time.
If there even is a next time, I thought but didn’t say. “Fine.” I threw up my hands. “You can help me. Just be sure to keep your hands to yourself.”
His eyes flashed. “I’ll do my best, Sis.”
I knew he was making a point about how we both were and weren’t related but I chose to ignore his sarcasm. Instead, I concentrated on figuring out my new black Breeder clothes.
The top seemed to be some kind of a close-fitting tank top. It was sleek and lovely with a deep V front that would show the inside curves of my full breasts. Unfortunately, it also had two holes in the front for my nipples to stick out of.
“Is this some kind of a sick joke?” I asked, looking at Lukas. “You brought me a nippleless shirt to wear? Are we suddenly making a porno together?”
“It’s purely practical,” he assured me. “Think about it, Lexie—most of your pain is caused by having something—your blouse, your bra—rub against your nipples. They’re too sensitive to let anything touch them right now.” His black eyes were suddenly half lidded. “Anything but my mouth, anyway. The Breeders know that—which is why they created garments to both support and expose the sensitive areas of a female in heat at the same time.”
“This thing has support?” I eyed the black leather tank top dubiously. It didn’t exactly look like a cross your heart bra.
“You’ll be surprised. Try it on,” my brother urged. “Here, it opens in the front.” He carefully unlatched a long r
ow of hooks and eyes which I hadn’t noticed earlier because they were camouflaged so well. Then he held it out for me like a jacket. “Here.”
Well, at least I didn’t have to drag the leather down over my stinging nipples. With a sigh I let him slip my arms into the tank—which was actually more of a vest—and fasten me up.
Once I had it on, it really did seem surprisingly supportive. There were actually cups sewn into the inside. Not just cups, though—when my full breasts fit into them they seemed to put pressure on me—squeezing in just the right way.
“They help the flow of the nectar,” Lukas explained as he carefully fastened the last hook and eye which rested right below the level of my cleavage. “How does it feel?”
“Different…better,” I admitted slowly. “But it looks completely obscene.” It did, too. Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror all I could see was a girl with long white-blonde hair wearing a black leather vest that would have looked normal if not for her deep red nipples poking out the front of it.
“It looks beautiful,” Lukas said softly. “When a female comes into heat on Breedlow, she shows it off. Here, just let me make sure it’s adjusted properly.” Leaning down he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth, drawing hard to make sure both my nipple and areola were thrusting out of the silver-dollar sized hole.
I bit back a gasp as I watched him in the mirror. God, would I ever get used to this? Used to the sight of my big brother sucking my nipples as casually as he might give me a kiss on the cheek? But for now, at least, it seemed to be necessary. But I don’t care what he says, I told myself as he sucked the second nipple, making sure it stuck out far enough. It’s not going any further than this.
His hot mouth on my tender flesh sent sparks of pleasure straight to the spot between my thighs. I shifted uncomfortably and had to bite back a yelp as my pussy reminded me how sensitive it was. If I didn’t know better, I would think that letting Lukas suck my nipples was actually making the problem between my legs worse. But that didn’t make sense—did it?